On September 21st it will be exactly one month since I exclusively submitted my first full length novel/manuscript. I chose to exclusively submit to one particular agency because I listened to one of the agents speak at a GLAWS (Greater Los Angeles Writers' Society) event. I figure at this (as of yet unpublished) point all I have is my word and I gave it. So for two more weeks I cannot submit my manuscript anywhere else. However, I have started to create emails set to deliver precisely six weeks from the date of my exclusive submission. I could submit them now and perhaps no one would ever know...
However I would, and in a world where practically no says or does what they promise, I want to be one who does. And so I wait to begin my multiple submissions.
I stay busy by working two jobs caring for all the animals in my household and working on a new novel and a screenplay.
More about those next time.
Best of Luck to You--- Never Give Up---Just find another way to reach your Goal!!