Thursday, October 24, 2013

Every "No" is One Closer to My "Yes"

I am now aggressively submitting my manuscript. I have had several "not interested" responses. I'm glad actually. I know that somewhere amidst all those rejection letters lies the one agent who IS interested. I recently listened to Shane Black speak (legendary screen writer). He said something that I have long since believed. If you only don't give up, one day you will be successful. It may seem overly simple, but it's actually the core to success. As each rejection filters in I feel for a second, am I crazy, do I have the skills necessary to succeed as a novel/screen writer? ?

And then- somewhere from deep inside myself, a tiny whisper answers- Yes you do! And so- I continue... Whether it takes one month or ten years. I continue. I continue with my plethora of part-time jobs, with my late night writing (half- asleep), daily submissions, and momentary persisting doubts. I continue to follow my dream, one I have carried with me all of my life. I carry on with a secret smile for I know one thing for certain---I will never give up! Good luck to everyone in pursuit of your heart's greatest desire.

Take Care,

Monday, October 7, 2013

Holding a (or several) Steady Job(s) While Reaching for Your Goal

I have found it necessary to work several part-time jobs while working towards my goal of working full- time as a freelance writer. To assist my nerves and spirit in this seemingly endless journey I have always kept long, medium, and short term goals. I keep them written down and mark them off as I achieve them. It gives me a sense of accomplishment to look back upon on them when I feel a bit discouraged. It reminds me that I am already successful!

At times working my plethora of jobs seems somewhat futile. It is at times like these I turn to my goal journal and look a random day. I am always surprised so read of a long ago achieved milestone.

I also keep a gratitude journal. I write in at least once a week, especially on really challenging days. I do this for two reasons. (1) As I write I begin to remember all I have in my life (2) Whatever the challenge is that I'm facing never seems as daunting after I've written it down.

So I may not have a published novel under my belt yet. But today I did apply for 10 writing assignments, wrote 1,000 words for my new story, read , re-read my script in- progress, and remembered to smile because today is a Beautiful Day!!

Take Care and the Best of Luck to You!!
