Thursday, October 24, 2013

Every "No" is One Closer to My "Yes"

I am now aggressively submitting my manuscript. I have had several "not interested" responses. I'm glad actually. I know that somewhere amidst all those rejection letters lies the one agent who IS interested. I recently listened to Shane Black speak (legendary screen writer). He said something that I have long since believed. If you only don't give up, one day you will be successful. It may seem overly simple, but it's actually the core to success. As each rejection filters in I feel for a second, am I crazy, do I have the skills necessary to succeed as a novel/screen writer? ?

And then- somewhere from deep inside myself, a tiny whisper answers- Yes you do! And so- I continue... Whether it takes one month or ten years. I continue. I continue with my plethora of part-time jobs, with my late night writing (half- asleep), daily submissions, and momentary persisting doubts. I continue to follow my dream, one I have carried with me all of my life. I carry on with a secret smile for I know one thing for certain---I will never give up! Good luck to everyone in pursuit of your heart's greatest desire.

Take Care,


  1. Good Luck!! All you need is one yes. Can't wait to see your book in print so I can brag and tell all my friends in Columbus about how I've known you since we were just 5 years old! Stay confident! This is exciting stuff!

  2. Thanks Beth,
    I really appreciate your support and taking the time to comment. I have faith that through enough diligent and persistent work I will eventually achieve my dreams :)
